Sunday, November 26, 2006

Nicole Richie transfers blame

Nicole Richie recently fired her personal stylist/close confidante of more than two years, Rachel Zoe. According to an insider, Nicole “wanted to surround herself with positive people and influences.” Nicole’s new inner circle consists of five people: three clowns and those two dwarves on the late-night infomercial who, despite all odds, managed to make so much money in real estate that they could afford a brand new 1999 Corvette:

“Nicole didn’t trust Rachel anymore,” a Richie pal says of the firing. “Zoe didn’t take the news well.” Zoe’s rep denies this, adding that the split was amicable.

Nicole’s problems aren’t her stylist’s fault, they’re her own. You don’t see me amputating my foot because I have an ear infection. If Nicole was really serious about changing her image, she’d start wearing a burqa. Maybe then I could tolerate looking at her.

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